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SS Peter & Paul

Built in 1928, SS Peter and Paul is the largest church in Maine.  Church Music Systems was honored to install  the largest electronic organ in Maine at this magnificient site for traditional worship: a Baldwin 4 manual drawknob organ (Specifications below) on behalf of the Parish of SS Peter & Paul.    This console enables the organist to play the Dominican Sanctuaire Pipe Organ (organ chambers appear above console in left picture), as well as the 71 digital ranks emanating from the transept gallery.  

Directions to SS Peter & Paul

27 Bartlett St. 
Lewiston, ME 04240
Tel: 207-777-1200

MP3 - Ride of the Valkyries

MP3 - Roulade

MP3 - Arabic Dance

  • Second largest 
      Roman Catholic Church 
    in New England
  • Seats over 4,000+ 
       in Upper and Lower churches
  -  Upper Church 
  • Seats 2,000+
  • Dimensions 
    Length: 308 feet
    Height: 68 feet
  • Live acoustics

The musical instruments at SS Peter and Paul, Lewiston, Maine

The parish of SS Peter and Paul has many musical instruments, including the largest pipe organ (4 manuals, 79 ranks with 5,432 pipes) and the largest electronic organ (4 manuals, with 71 digital ranks) installed in a Maine church. The following text is an overview followed by a detailed description of the instruments that are available to accompany the celebration of Mass.

Overview of musical instruments:

  • The Transept console, installed by Church Music Systems, is a state of the art 4 manual Baldwin Organ Console which controls both the Sanctuarie Organ (Casavant Opus 1587, described below) and the digital voices emanating from the transept gallery. It has silent lighted drawknobs, full MIDI capability, multiple memory banks, and sufficient console controls to control both pipe organs.
  • To lead 2,000+ parishioners in song, SS Peter and Paul is the only parish in Maine with two pipe organs with separate consoles; both instruments hand crafted by Casavant of Quebec in 1938.
  • The majestic Gallery organ (Casavant Opus 1588) is the showpiece instrument in the rear gallery which frames the magnificent rose window. It’s original 4 manual console commands the 69 ranks of 4695 pipes which encompass authentic French voicing – brilliant reeds, full diapason chorus and flute ensemble.  The largest pipe is over 32' long, while the shortest is less than 1/4", and is voiced on high wind pressures to fill the +300' sanctuary.
  • The Sanctuaire organ (Casavant Opus 1587) is a 10 rank unified and duplexed instrument with 737 pipes located at the front of the sanctuary, framed by 2 ornate organ cases with speaking front pipes. This instrument was designed to accompany the Dominican Priests during their daily chants.
  • Grand Piano
  • Roland Electronic Piano – with selectable voices, MIDI capability, transposer.
  • Public address system – 6,000 watts RMS sound reinforcement with state of the art Bose speakers, local sub-mixing board with 4 microphones and monitors for organist, cantor and choir


Detailed descriptions:

1. Transept console with 71 digital ranks

Baldwin C480

Four Manual Lighted Drawknob Console

Unmatched musical performance makes this an organ worth serious consideration for the most demanding organists.  Exclusive DS4 technology offers digitally sampled voices, sourced and separated by division for a true pipe organ sound.

Playing convenience is enhanced with eight combination-action memory banks, easy-to-operate MIDI, and divisional cancels that work at the touch of a button.  Five tone-generating computers for a rich, authentic pipe organ sound.  Seventy-two stops with Voicing Variation lets you expand to 143 individual sounds.

A four manual console with several unique features: divisional cancels and a combination action with eight memory banks that supplement a majestic tonal specification.  The adjustable bench is standard.


Baldwin C480 Specifications






Principal 16'

Lieblich Gedeckt 16'

Principal 8'

Diapason 8'

Contra Bourdon 32'

Principal 8'

Principal 8'

Hohl Flute 8'

Major Flute 8'

Principal 16'

Bourdon 8'

Gedeckt 8'

Dulciana 8'

Gamba 8'

Sub Bass 16'

Flute Celeste II 8'

Viole 8'

Unda Maris II 8'

Gamba Celeste 8'

Violone 16'

Salicional 8'

Viole Celeste II 8'

Principal 4'

Gemshorn 4'

Lieblich Gedeckt 16'

Octave 4'

Geigen 4'

Stopped Flute 4'

Orchestral Flute 4'

Octave 8'

Rohr Flöte 4'

Chimney Flute 4'

Quint 2 2/3'

Octavin 2'

Gedeckt 8'

Nazard 2 2/3'

Nazard 2 2/3'

Doublette 2'

Basson 16'

Super Octave 4'

Super Octave 2'

Flautino 2'

Tierce 1 3/5'

Tuba Mirabilis 8'

Flute 4'

Cornet V

Larigot 1 1/3'

Sifflote 1'

French Horn 8'

Block Flöte 2'

Mixture IV

Plein Jeu III

Mixture IV

Cor Anglais 8'

Fourniture V

Fourniture VI

Contra Fagott 16'

Cromorne 8'

Orchestral Oboe 8'

Contra Bombarde 32'

Trumpet 8'

Trompette 8'


Tuba Clarion 4'

Fagott 16'

Trumpet 4'

Hautbois 8'


Harp 8'

Trumpet 8'


Trompette 4'



Clarion 4'





Schalmei 4'


Swell to Great

Swell to Choir

Great to Pedal*

Solo to Pedal*

Choir to Great

Solo to Choir

Swell to Pedal*


Solo to Great

Solo to Swell

Choir to Pedal*

(*) With Toe Pistonz


MIDI In/Out/Thru

MIDI Program Change

MIDI to Solo

MIDI to Swell

MIDI  to Great

MIDI to Choir


MIDI to Pedal




2 Channel

Up to 15 Independent Channels

80 Watts RMS - Each Channel

Customized for Any Building

Built-In Digital Reverberation 



Four 61-Note Manuals

Master Volume Control

 Capture Combination Action

32-Note AGO Pedalboard

Pedal Volume Control

 -Six Generals

Swell Expression Pedal

Great Volume Control

  -Six Divisionals

Choir Expression Pedal

Brightness Control

  -Eight Memory Banks

Solo Expression Pedal

Silent Touch Controls

Lighted Music Desk

Registered Crescendo Pedal

Fatar Premium Keyboards

Adjustable Bench


 Divisional Cancels

  Oak & Walnut Finish




All Swells to Swell


68 1/8"



56 3/5"

Headphone Jack

Height w/Music Rack

62 1/2"

Voicing Variation A/B


34 1/2"

Pitch Control

Width w/Pedalboard


Generator Tuning


836 lbs.





2. Unit rank specifications of Casavant Frères Opus 1587 Sanctuarie/Dominican organ

GR Orgue


  • Montre 8’
  • Melodie 8’
  • Dulciane 8’
  • Trumpet 16’



  • Principal 8’
  • Violon 8’
  • Bourdon 8’
  • Viole de Gambe 8’
  • Vox Celeste 8’



Bourdon 16’

3. Specification of Casavant Frères Opus 1588 (Gallery organ)



  • Clairon 4'
  • Trompette 8'
  • Bombarde 16'
  • Contre Bombarde 32'
  • Flute 4'
  • Bourdon 8'
  • Violoncelle 8'
  • Flute 8'
  • Bourdon Doux 16'
  • Bourdon 16'
  • Violon 16'
  • Flute 8'
  • Flute Ouverte 16'
  • Flute 32' (resultant)
  • Gloches



  • Aigu
  • Grave
  • Tuba Clarion 4'
  • Cor 8'
  • Trompette Cuivre 8'
  • Tuba Mirabilis 8'
  • Grand Cornet VII
  • Fugara 4'
  • Viole Celesete 8'
  • Viole D Orch 8'
  • Grosse Flute 8'
  • Stentophone 8'
  • Cloches




  • Grave
  • Aigu
  • Clairon 4'
  • Trompette 16'
  • Hautbois 8'
  • Voix Humaine 8'
  • Tremolo
  • Cornet V
  • Octavin 2'
  • Flute Octaviate 4'
  • Violon 4'
  • Voix Celeste 8'
  • Viole de Gambe 8'
  • Bourdon 8'
  • Principal 8'
  • Contra Gambe 16'
  • Gloches

GR Orgue


  • Aigu
  • Grave
  • Clairon 4'
  • Trompette 8'
  • Bourdon 8'
  • Mixture IV
  • Doublette 2'
  • Flute Harm 4'
  • Prestant 4'
  • Gemshorn 8'
  • Flute Ouverte 8'
  • Principal 8'
  • Montre 8'
  • Montre 16'
  • Gloches



  • Grave
  • Aigu
  • Tremolo
  • Clainette 8'
  • Trompette 8'
  • Tierce 1 3/5'
  • Flaggelolet 2'
  • Nazard 2 2/3'
  • Flute A Cheminiee 4'
  • Violina 4'
  • Unda Maris 8'
  • Dulciane 8'
  • Melodie 8'
  • Principal Violon 8'
  • Bourdon 16'
  • Gloches



  • G orgue ala Pedelae
  • Recit ala Pedelae
  • Positif ala Pedelae
  • Solo ala Pedelae
  • GR orgue aigu pedale
  • Recit aigu pedale
  • Positiv aigu pedale
  • Solo aigu pedale
  • Pedale Muette
  • Recit Grave G. Orgue
  • Recit au G. Orgue
  • Recit aigu G. Orgue
  • Positif au G. Orgue
  • Solo au G. Orgue
  • G. Orgue unisson muet
  • Solo au recit
  • Recit Unisson Muet
  • Recit grave Positif
  • Recit unison muet
  • Recit au positif
  • Recit aigu positif
  • Solo grave positif
  • Solo au positif
  • G. Organe
  • Recit Au solo
  • Union des Expressions
  • Alternateur
Other controls/indicators
  • Grand Jeu
  • Crescendovent
  • Voix Humaine 0 1 2 3
  • Volts

Gloches - chimes
Grave - sub octave
Aigu - super octave
Montre/prestant ~ Diapason

4) Organ renovation components currently in process

    1. MIDI solid state relay is connected to Baldwin console

      1. Both chambers functional

      2. All unit ranks of Great, Swell, and Pedal divisions are currently functional

      3. Tremolo & swell shades operational

      4. Maintenance features installed and tested

      5. Relay programming for inter-vendor communications and unit extensions in planning stages.

    2. Baldwin Digital Voices

      1. Transducers installed in transept gallery

      2. Configured and voiced to compliment Dominican pipe organ (Opus 1587) 



Plan for tomorrow and call today for an appointment      We help you sound your best!  

Church Music Systems - 207-837-2196
110 Fisher Road - Bowdoinham, Maine  04008

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Last modified: September 10, 2015